Going is considered near the evaluation of efficiency of management an enterprise. Evaluation technology is realized on the basis of comparison of financial indexes, in particular to the analysis of indexes of profitability and analysis of business activity. The scientific and special methods of economic researches are used, namely: comparison, economic statistical- during realization of calculations of financial indexes of efficiency of work of enterprise, abstractly-logical at forming of conclusions. Based on the results of the assessment of the main indicators of the enterprise, it can be concluded that the company during the pre-crisis period pursued an effective management policy: the level of net income increased; the tendency to use the fixed assets of the enterprise was positive; profitability indicators increased. But the crisis caused by the coronavirus has made negative adjustments to the company's activities. In recent years, all indicators of efficiency of the enterprise have decreased. Based on the results of the assessment of the main indicators of the enterprise, it can be concluded that the company in the pre-crisis period pursued an effective management policy: the level of net income increased; the tendency to use the fixed assets of the enterprise was positive; profitability indicators increased. But the crisis caused by COVID-19 made negative adjustments to the company's activities.The military aggression of the Russian Federation, which directly affected the main assets of the enterprise, had an even greater negative impact on economic activity and the state of financial and economic indicators and indicators of management efficiency. On results research of indexes of fund return, to the coefficient of circulating of property asset, to the coefficient of circulating of turnover means the state of efficiency of management of the investigated enterprise certainly as low cost-effective. After the war, during the postwar reconstruction of the enterprise and its modernization, the economic policy of the enterprise should be aimed at minimizing the impact of risks: credit, market, liquidity, which together with the state policy to support domestic aircraft construction will more effectively realize the managerial potential.
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