Keywords: competence, competency, cluster approach, competency model, general competencies, professional competencies


The article provides the first historical use of the term "competence" by the American psychologist Robert White. The interpretation of the concepts "competence" and "competence" is characterized. Common and different between these concepts are considered. The definition of "cluster analysis" in the context of solving the issues of refugees and temporarily displaced persons is presented, as the definition of problem areas within which the responsible organizations work and the target group that will receive assistance is determined. The features of the integration of the cluster approach are determined. The definition of a "competency cluster" is given as a set of closely related competencies. The definition of the "competency model" is given and a typical scheme of the structure of competences according to the cluster approach is presented. Ten ways of behavior are presented, which became the basis for the formation of clusters based on the study of 126 organizations. The classification of competencies by the level of distribution, by essence and content, by the level of development and by professional purpose, which is important in the practical use of competencies, is considered. The necessity of using general and professional competencies in the development of the model has been studied. The priority of the formation of key competences during the development of the model of competences by the Council of Europe at the end of the 20th century was revealed, which included political and social competences, intercultural competences, communicative competence, social and informational competence and personal competence. Five groups of key competences were characterized. A description of the process of developing a competency model by stages is given. The information on the competencies required by the employees of centers for assistance to refugees and temporarily displaced persons is summarized. The developed model of competencies for a specialist is presented in the form of a table. The table classifies the general and professional competencies of an employee with the characteristics necessary for the organization. Three stages of further development are given for each competence. It is noted that today competencies are the most universal tool for the implementation of personnel development programs.


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How to Cite
Petrovska, O., & Pozniakova, T. (2022). A MODERN MODEL OF COMPETENCIES FOR THE STAFF OF REFUGEE ASSISTANCE CENTERS AND TEMPORARILY DISPLACED PERSONS. Change Management and Innovation, (3), 43-47. https://doi.org/10.32782/CMI/2022-3-8