• S.V. Vizirenko ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” National University
  • S.A. Shulyak ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” National University
Keywords: supplies, prepared products, organization of account, realization of the prepared products, expense, are on a sale, charges on transporting, marketings charges, profit, from realization, production prime price, analytical accounts


In the article the theoretical aspects of method of organization of account of the prepared products and charges are considered and described on a sale. The purpose of the article is a study of method of organization of account of the prepared products and charges on a sale. It is suggested to go into detail an account 93 selling «Expenses» by sub-accounts and analytical accounts which will be actual during organization of account of the prepared products and charges on a sale. Introduction of the in practice offered working out in detail of account of charges on a sale will be instrumental in forming of due registrationinformative providing of acceptance of administrative decisions in relation to realization of the prepared products. The results of the conducted researches certify that a rightness of organization of account of process of realization of the prepared products is the mortgage of authenticity of reflection of accounting information in the financial reporting of enterprise and determination of effectiveness of activity of subjects of menage.


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How to Cite
Vizirenko, S., & Shulyak, S. (2021). AN IMPROVEMENT OF ACCOUNT OF THE PREPARED PRODUCTS AND CHARGES IS ON SALE. Change Management and Innovation, (1), 24-29. Retrieved from