The relevance of decentralization of power in Ukraine is substantiated. The analysis of various definitions of the concept of "decentralization", which are provided in the special literature, was carried out. Approaches to the decentralization of power in European countries are considered. A list of framework documents is provided on the basis of which decentralization of goverment in Europe is carried out. It is emphasized that the open method of coordination (OMC) is important in the European Union, which was first mentioned in the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 and consists in limiting the role of national authorities by setting goals that must be agreed and accepted by the entire integrated community. Five types of political networks, which cover the decentralization of goverment in Europe, are defined. It is determined that the decentralization of management in the single European space is carried out taking into account the formation of the concept of Europeanization, which is understood as the process of creation, dissemination and institutionalization of official and unofficial rules, procedures, paradigms of public policy, styles of activity that were defined and consolidated in the European space, and then - included in national administrative systems. It is emphasized that for the purpose of decentralization of goverment, EU states are increasingly using consultations to improve the quality of political decisions and laws. It was determined that the implementation of the consultation process brings political, legal and social benefits. The components of the single European space, taking into account the decentralization of goverment in the EU countries, have been determined. European models of decentralized goverment are defined and characterized. It is emphasized that the development of national public administrations is connected with the history, the specifics of the organization of European states and the political culture of citizens. The factors underlying the convergence of European models of decentralized management are determined. It is emphasized that each member state of the Council of Europe has developed its own model of local self-government, which does not violate the basic principles defined in the European Charter of Local Self-Government.
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