The purpose of the article is to investigate the peculiarities of the organization of the conveyor belt cultivation of green asparagus and to carry out an analysis of effective technological approaches to its production. Scientific works on the formation and functioning of the asparagus market became the methodological basis of the study. Methods were used: grouping, monographic, systematization. The results. The article analyzes the current state of asparagus production in Ukraine and in the context of its export opportunities. The market of this crop has been studied, the main problems of its development have been determined, and the prospects for adapting technical and technological solutions to production have been identified. Indicators of the economic efficiency of growing asparagus in advanced farms of Ukraine are presented, and an analysis of the effectiveness of the introduction of innovations (varieties, technologies, logistics, marketing) is carried out. The expediency of using the proposed innovations, in particular the conveyor cultivation of this crop, in order to extend the delivery time of high-quality fresh products to the consumer, and its effectiveness for specific production conditions were determined. Using the example of the "Marin Sad" farm, the effectiveness of the researched elements of the conveyor technology (hybrids, mulching, use of the cold chain) on the profitability of green asparagus production has been proven. Conclusions. In conveyor production of green asparagus using a cold chain, due to the higher yield of new hybrids and the price of products, the break-even point of production will be reached two years earlier than the control, namely in the 4th year of production. The profitability of production will additionally increase by 70% compared to standard technology and will amount to 111%. With the developed conveyor, the overall financial result after 10 years compared to the standard technology will increase by 38.3% and will amount to 3.4 million hryvnias/ha. The scientific novelty consists in the substantiation of scientific recommendations regarding the conveyor production of asparagus. Practical meaning. The implementation of these technical and technological solutions in vegetable growing will allow to solve the issue of food security of communities, increase the level of coherence of the system of actions of management bodies, business entities, scientists and investors on the basis of cooperation and sustainable development in the conditions of the post-war recovery of the country.
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