Keywords: adaptation, innovative activity, agrarian sphere


The article examines the theoretical aspects of the foundations of innovative development of enterprises in the agrarian sector, in particular, the rate of acceleration of scientific and technical progress. The economic essence, prerequisites of intensity and features of manifestation, activation of innovative activity of agrarian enterprises are considered. We believe that the approach to innovation as a completely defined phenomenon can be replaced by the interpretation of innovation with the concept of "innovation process". These concepts are not identical and have differences. The innovation process is directly involved in the creation, development and dissemination of innovations. The basis of the research was a comprehensive approach to the subject being studied. Analytical, graphic, and monographic research methods were used to solve specific tasks. The relevance of the transition to an innovative development model has been proven, the essence of which is: the systematic integration of agriculture into the scientific and technical sphere. The purpose of this integration is to increase production efficiency through technical-technological and organizational-management renewal. A distinctive feature of the innovation process of the modern agro-industrial complex is the deformation of the transition to a market economy, in particular the curtailment of funding for research and development from budgetary sources, a sharp reduction in wages and the outflow of scientific personnel, the destruction of the material and technical support of scientific and educational organizations. Adaptation of the enterprise's innovative solutions in the course of its economic activity involves the assessment of the sphere of labor resources, the sphere of engineering and technology, and the sphere of financial abilities. Proposals for improvement of regulation and stimulation of innovative activity of agro-industrial complex enterprises by the state have been formulated; the process of innovative adaptation of enterprises was analyzed, recommendations were made for supporting the innovative component of the activity of agricultural producers. Proposals aimed at improving the process of implementing innovations in agricultural production have been developed for implementation.


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How to Cite
Klochko, T. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF WAYS OF INNOVATIVE ADAPTATION OF THE ENTERPRISE. Change Management and Innovation, (5), 17-22.