• Kostiantyn Latyshev Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrogradskyi National University
  • Andriy Pugach Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrogradskyi National University
  • Vitaliy Moroz Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrogradskyi National University
Keywords: marketing strategy, trade enterprises, clothing market, consumer preferences, competitiveness, trends and features of the clothing market


The article examines the peculiarities of the formation of the marketing strategy of a trade enterprise. This work includes research and analysis of the clothing market of Кremenchuk, the definition of the characteristics and prospects of its development. The authors proposed the definition of a marketing strategy for a trade enterprise, in which consumer preferences play a key role. The theoretical aspects of marketing strategy development are adapted to the activity of a trading company. It was determined that the strategy of marketing activity involves the planning of marketing activities that are subject to the achievement of the company’s goals, including: determining the company’s target audience and dividing it into segments; systematization of the company’s strengths and opportunities of its external environment; positioning of the company’s existing goods and services; promotion of new goods and services to the market. The main trends of the clothing market of Kremenchuk, which characterize the motives of consumers, have been determined. An expert assessment of the significance of influencing factors on the formation of the company's strategy on the clothing market of Kremenchuk was carried out. The peculiarities of the formation of the company's marketing strategy for a chain of stores in the clothing and footwear market are considered. An analysis of the factors of the company's internal environment was carried out on the basis of an expert survey. The structure of the marketing complex was characterized using the example of store «A» to identify the shortcomings of the company under study. It is determined that the company uses a combined marketing strategy, namely a market development strategy and a cost leadership strategy. The result of the study is the development of an algorithm for forming a marketing strategy for a network of clothing stores based on an assessment of the economic situation in the industry and regional conditions of the clothing market. The use of the proposed sequence of stages in the formation of a marketing strategy will allow to increase the level of competitiveness in a specific market, attract and retain consumers, studying their opinion and motives for making a purchase, which is quite relevant for companies engaged in the sale of clothing and footwear products in conditions of fierce competition.


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How to Cite
Latyshev, K., Pugach, A., & Moroz, V. (2023). FEATURES OF THE FORMATION OF THE MARKETING STRATEGY OF THE COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE. Change Management and Innovation, (5), 23-27. https://doi.org/10.32782/CMI/20232-5-4