• Inna Tomashuk Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Keywords: efficiency, competitive advantages, agro-industrial integration, agricultural production, PEST-analysis, strategic partnership, model of integration processes


The article examines the impact of agro-industrial integration on increasing the efficiency of production and processing of agricultural products, its advantages and disadvantages are identified. The components of the integration potential of the agrarian-industrial complex of Ukraine are determined, and the factors that inhibit the process of agro-industrial integration in Ukraine are established. The purpose of the article is the theoretical substantiation and development of methodological provisions, as well as practical recommendations for increasing the efficiency of production and processing of agricultural products in the conditions of European integration processes. The following tasks were solved in the article: the theoretical foundations of the essence of the efficiency of production and processing of agricultural products were investigated; the content, principles and tools of economic regulation of complex development of the processing link of the agrarian sector are identified; conceptual directions for improving the efficiency of production and processing of agricultural products in the context of European integration processes are substantiated. Research methods used in the article are based on general scientific principles and fundamental provisions of economic theory, theories of globalization, international integration, and regionalization. The fundamental basis of the research is the categorical apparatus, historical-logical and systemic approaches to the analysis of economic phenomena and processes in the context of global integration. To implement the planned tasks, the following are applied: dialectical method of scientific knowledge, methods of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis; system generalization; comparative analysis, statistical analysis. A system of indicators for evaluating the economic efficiency of management is proposed. The characteristics of the external and internal environment of agricultural enterprises are presented. The results of the PEST analysis of trends, which are of significant importance for the strategy of agricultural enterprises, are presented. The functional structure of globalization is characterized, which is characterized by the growing interdependence of the economies of different countries, the greater integrity and unity of the world economy, based on the strengthening of the openness of national markets, the deepening of the international division and cooperation of labor. The classification of the world's associations based on the use of models of integration processes is presented. Ways to increase the economic efficiency of agricultural enterprises are proposed, where the key basis is the development of cooperation and agro-industrial integration.


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