• Anastasiia Voitenko Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Nataliia Svichkar Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: accounting, business reporting, going concern principle, tax reporting, tax invoices, financial reporting


The consequences of Russia's military invasion of the territory of Ukraine covered all spheres of life and significantly affected the business. The situation develops quickly and sometimes unpredictably – to the management companies need to constantly assess the impact of the situation on the business for further preparation reliable financial reporting and making correct and timely management decisions. The article highlights the impact of the war on the accounting system in Ukraine. The article examines the peculiarities of accounting and financial reporting during wartime on the territory of Ukraine. The main problems faced by enterprises during the conduct of economic activity in the state of war are considered. The impact of the war on the ability to ensure the organization of accounting was studied. The problem of implementing the principle of continuity in wartime conditions is considered. The main factors influencing the assessment of the principle of continuity are given. The economic consequences of the war on the presentation of financial statements are considered. The regulatory and legal documents adopted by the government to clarify situations related to the full-scale invasion of Russia into the territory of Ukraine are given. The division of taxpayers into 3 categories during wartime was considered. Tax payment terms for each of the 3 categories of taxpayers are given. Responsibility for untimely submission of financial statements and payment of taxes was investigated. The problem of mass unjustified blocking of tax invoices from October 2022 was considered. The criteria of riskiness of tax payers are given. The influence of exchange rate fluctuations, which arose as a result of the full-scale invasion of Russia, on enterprises was studied. The management is given an explanation of situations that may arise during hostilities and the territories where the enterprise is located. Ways to solve problematic issues related to record keeping, reporting and tax payment at the level of the state and economic entities in the conditions of martial law are provided.


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How to Cite
Voitenko, A., & Svichkar, N. (2023). FEATURES OF ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS REPORTS UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF MILITARY STATE. Change Management and Innovation, (5), 48-53. https://doi.org/10.32782/CMI/20232-5-8
Accounting and taxation