Keywords: Marketing activity, supply chain management, distribution channel organization, contract portfolio formation


The article explores the work of scientists in organizing marketing activities in a company, specifically in managing the distribution policy that involves organizing distribution channels, forming a portfolio of contractual obligations within the product portfolio, and developing a supply plan for each contractor. It is noted that the organization of distribution channels in a company must ensure: the creation of a system for delivering products to the point of sale or operation at an exactly specified time and with the highest level of service; minimizing costs for organizing the movement of goods, which should in no case affect the level of service. It has been proven that the advantages of including a wholesale intermediary in the distribution system are: ensuring product distribution in the absence of contact with the consumer; bulk purchasing reduces supply costs; reducing the risk of unsold products; favorable pre-payment conditions, etc. However, the negative factors that arise as a result of the inclusion of intermediaries in the product distribution channels are: a large number of intermediaries significantly reduces market control and complicates the interaction process with the consumer; dependence on a small number of intermediaries in the future can cause serious commercial losses. Therefore, in practice, in order to reduce risk, mixed forms of product movement organization should be used, which in turn requires the development of new methods and approaches to this process. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the need for re-organization of the existing distribution channel system arises when the company's production capacities are not fully supported by the capacity of the trade network. To diagnose such a situation, graph theory, in particular the adapted maximum flow problem, is used within the framework of this research. The authors stated that the result of applying the proposed models and methods is optimization of the existing distribution channel structure and development of further management methods for the company's distribution policy, including formation of its portfolio of contractual obligations and construction of a map of competitive advantages.


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How to Cite
Shmygol, N., Polcyn, J., & Antoniuk, A. (2023). SUPPLY CHAIN MARKETING MANAGEMENT. Change Management and Innovation, (5), 54-58.