Keywords: finance, financial resources, financial stability, financial condition, financial risks, risk management, business entity, agricultural sector


The article deals with theoretical aspects of financial sustainability of economic entities in the agribusiness system of Ukraine. The concept of financial sustainability of an economic entity in the current economic conditions is characterized. It is established that low financial stability can lead to a decrease in the solvency of economic entities, to their loss of financial resources for investing in current and long-term development projects, and in case of deterioration of financial stability – to bankruptcy. At the same time, excessive financial sustainability also creates corresponding barriers to the development of an enterprise, increasing the costs of managing excessive financial reserves and stocks. The structure of financial stability of an enterprise is presented and characterized. The essence of the financial condition of an enterprise is determined. In the course of the study, the factors influencing the financial sustainability of a business entity in the agricultural sector of the economy are identified and structured. The influence of the internal and external environment on the financial sustainability of an economic entity is determined. The ways to mitigate the negative effects of the impact of external factors on the financial stability of an economic entity are determined. The important role of managing financial risks that may arise and affect the financial sustainability of an entity is determined. One of the ways to mitigate the negative consequences of the influence of external factors can be the creation of highly integrated structures, such as agricultural corporations or agricultural holdings. Such structures have increased chances not only to survive in an unfavorable economic situation, but also to influence individual manifestations of external factors (in the economy, politics, etc.) through joint efforts. The general concept of forming a risk management system at agricultural enterprises is developed. According to this concept, a risk management system is an ordered set of measures aimed at identifying the probability of risk situations, calculating the degree and magnitude of risk, analyzing the economic environment, choosing a risk management strategy and determining effective risk management methods necessary for targeted impact (neutralization or minimization) of risk.


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Finance, banking and insurance