• V.M. Gelman Zaporizhzhia National University
Keywords: crisis phenomena, the number of the employed population, industrial enterprises, mechanical engineering enterprises


The article examines trends in employment in industry, which is an important area of employment and creates an economic basis for the growth of the population's well-being. It is shown that a consequence of the crisis situation at Ukrainian enterprises are indicators of a decrease in the number of employed population at industrial and machine-building enterprises. The number of employed population in industry, as well as the share of the employed population in the total employed population of Ukraine for the period 2012–2018 has a clear downward trend: in 2018 compared to 2012, there is a decrease in the number of employed workers by 25%. The period of 2013–2015 was the most difficult for the domestic engineering industry, which is directly related to the aggravation of the economic crisis in Ukraine as a whole. In 2014, the lowest sales rate was observed, and during 2014–2015, machine-building enterprises received a negative balance.In terms of the number of people employed at machinebuilding enterprises, in 2018 compared to 2012, there is a rapid decrease in the number of employed workers exclusively in all machine-building enterprises by type of economic activity by an average of 33%, which is undoubtedly a negative trend and evidence of the economic crisis in the country. Analysis of the number of employees in machine-building enterprises by type of economic activity (in the manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products; in the manufacture of electrical equipment; in the manufacture of machinery and equipment; in the manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and other vehicles) showed that the most unsatisfactory situation is typical for enterprises engaged in the production of motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, other vehicles, the production of computers, electronic and optical products. The share of the number of employees at such enterprises in the total number of employees of machine-building enterprises in 2012 was – 40.7%, and in 2018 – 40.2%.


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How to Cite
Gelman, V. (2021). ANALYSIS OF THE NUMBER OF EMPLOYED PEOPLE IN INDUSTRY. Change Management and Innovation, (1), 34-37. Retrieved from