The article examines the general aspects of the use of digital technologies in the activities of agricultural enterprises. It is indicated that information technologies become drivers of the progress of agricultural production, forming a single digital model of an agrarian enterprise consisting of the integration of the management system, organizational and economic relations, technical means and software. It has been established that the creation of an information support system for agricultural producers based on modern computer and mobile technologies should be based on the continuous digitalization of agricultural enterprises and rural areas, training and upgrading the qualifications of agricultural workers, creating a system database, and forming a single information space for agribusiness. It was emphasized that due to the digitalization of the business processes of enterprises, their optimization and saving of the amount of material and technical and other resources, systematization and grouping of data, reduction of costs, including the accumulation and use of information, ensures the competitiveness of agricultural formations in the long-term forecast. It is indicated that digital agriculture allows to create systems that will be characterized by predictability, a high level of productivity, the ability to quickly adapt to changes, which will contribute to increasing the level of food security, as well as the sustainability and profitability of agricultural enterprises. It is defined that «Digital» (precision) agriculture is a fundamentally new management strategy in agronomy, which is based on the application of «digital» technologies, new technical means, and also involves taking technological measures to grow plants taking into account the spatial heterogeneity of the field. It is emphasized that this is a new stage in the development of the agricultural sector, associated with the use of geo-information systems, global positioning, on-board computers, management and executive mechanisms capable of differentiating methods of cultivation, application rates of fertilizers, chemical meliorants and plant protection products. It was concluded that the implementation of digital technologies in agricultural production requires significant investment resources for the purchase of powerful modern computers, software, the formation of effective communications, the training of IT specialists, the development of an information security system, etc.
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