The automobile market is really dynamic sectors of the economy, which ensures the development of several related industries, promotes the development of high technologies, and create a final product with a high share of added value. The war in Ukraine caused a sharp change in the civilian economic situation of the car market. It had an impact on the transformation of the structure of the needs of car consumers in the conditions of disturbances, influenced the activity and behavior patterns of end-users of cars in various segments of the car market. This became the basis for intensifying competition in various segments of the automotive market, complicating the logistics of import car deliveries in the primary and secondary automotive markets in conditions of blocking and shelling of logistics infrastructure facilities, and reducing the efficiency of the operation of logistics chains of automotive product supplies in war conditions. The outline actualizes the need to study the specifics of the transformation of the economic situation of the automobile market in Ukraine during the war in terms of assessing the impact of the intensity of competition in the automobile market on the wave-like processes of its change during disturbances. The tasks of this work were: conduct a study of the automobile market and establish the specifics of the economic situation of the studied market according to the parameters of its evaluation; carry out an analysis of the concentration of the automotive market based on a quantitative assessment of the levels of competition in the industry; to develop ways of adapting the activities of operators and other stakeholders of the automotive market to the effects of disturbances to ensure the safety of functioning and restore the operational efficiency of functioning in war conditions. For gaining end research is applied totality of scientific methods that provided conceptual integrity of research. System – for illumination of general principles of functioning of the Ukrainian motor-car market; comparative and statistical analysis of results of activity of operators of motor-car market after the types of economic activity.
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