• Svitlana Radziyevska National Academy of Management
Keywords: EU-Ukraine Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, foreign trade policy, development of Ukraine’s integration potential, EU trade strategy, regulation of trade in services, export of services, import of services


The paper focuses on Ukraine–EU trade in services under the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. The general scientific and special research methods are used (e.g., the method of experts’ assessments, the methods of statistical and graphic analysis). The works of leading economists, as well as the official documents of the EU, the reports and analytical publications of World Bank, WTO, UNCTAD, State Statistics Service of Ukraine, etc. serve the information source for the study. The balance of trade in goods with the EU has been negative (-3644.5 mln USD in 2016; -3266.0 – 2017; -3059.5 – 2018; -4119.6 – 2019; -5187.4 – 2020; -2161,3 mln USD in 2021) while that of services has been positive throughout the analyzed period (583.3mln USD in 2016; 920.2 – 2017; 624.1– 2018; 746.5 – 2019; 1418.0 – 2020; 1089.6mln USD in 2021). It is revealed that the share of services exports of Ukraine to the EU countries in all exports of services of Ukraine has been increasing (trend у=0.3914x +30.18), and the share of services imports of Ukraine from the EU countries in all services imports of Ukraine has been falling (trend у= – 1.2257x+49.64); however, at the same time the share of exports of services in all exports of goods and services to the EU has been decreasing and in 2021 it reached 11%. Nevertheless, the EU is Ukraine’s main trading partner in services. The in-depth analysis of the dynamics of the main types of services of Ukraine's exports to the EU, as well as the thorough analysis of the dynamics of the main types of services of Ukraine's imports from the EU countries during the period of 2016-2021 are made. The revealed trends of the dynamics of the main types of services in Ukraine's trade with the EU are highlighted. The development of foreign trade relations between Ukraine and the EU countries is examined. The need to improve the services sector regulation as one of the key factors in the successful fulfillment of the integration potential of Ukraine as a candidate country for EU membership is substantiated.


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How to Cite
Radziyevska, S. (2023). UKRAINE-EU TRADE IN SERVICES UNDER THE DEEP AND COMPREHENSIVE FREE TRADE AGREEMENT. Change Management and Innovation, (7), 33-39.