• Inna Tomashuk Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
  • Ivan Tomashuk National Scientific Center «Institute of Agrarian Economy»
Keywords: rural areas, European integration processes, sustainable development, association, territorial communities, agriculture, food security, state policy


The article examines the development of rural areas in the system of European integration priorities of Ukraine. It is emphasized that the development of rural areas is accompanied by a number of negative trends that indicate gaps in economic policy. It is indicated that the development of local self-government, decentralization of power and the transfer of resources and powers to localities will contribute to increasing the financial capacity, investment attractiveness of rural areas and creating conditions for high-quality and comfortable living of the rural population. It has been found that rural development involves the improvement of socio-economic conditions in rural areas due to the improvement of employment opportunities, the increase of household incomes and the mobility of their members. It is noted that the development prospects of the Ukrainian countryside depend significantly on state regulation. It is emphasized that the sustainable development of any territory is determined by a combination of socio-economic and natural-ecological factors. It has been found that the economic integration of Ukraine into the EU involves bringing the tasks of the development of Ukrainian rural areas closer to European standards, the introduction of targeted support for special agro-ecological measures in the process of agricultural production: organic agriculture; extensive farming and others. It was emphasized that in the modern conditions of a full-scale war, the main thing for rural areas, which have the opportunity to function unhindered, is to learn how to earn money independently and fill local budgets: through the implementation of land inventories, the creation of appropriate conditions for entrepreneurs, which as a result will make it possible to create new jobs and increase the revenue part of the budget of rural territorial communities. It was concluded that ensuring the sustainable development of rural areas is a complex problem and is possible under the condition of: macroeconomic stability and an increase in the gross domestic product; ensuring economic growth in agriculture; development of non-agricultural employment in rural areas. Prospects for the development of rural areas in Ukraine depend on the success of the creation and functioning of the system of institutional support for the conceptual development of the state policy of rural development.


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