The study is focused on substantiating the theoretical and practical possibilities of enhancing fraud detection through the use of analytical tools of forensic economic examination by auditors within the framework of cooperation on creating a legislative basis for such cooperation by regulatory and standard-setting bodies. The genesis of development and ways to improve the theoretical and applied areas of forensic economic expertise in the field of fraud research during pre-trial investigation and trial of economic crimes are considered. The scientific positions of individual scientists and representatives of foreign scientific schools on issues of the concept of fraud research methods in auditing are summarized. The organizational approaches implemented in the domestic practice of combating fraud through the construction of internal control systems, internal audit and the work of audit committees are analyzed. The tasks of external audit and internal audit are distinguished, which determine the roles of audit in the process of fraud investigation. It has been established that in the modern economic environment, the auditor's tool for detecting fraud through the fraud triangle needs to be improved by providing auditors with the skills of using forensic examination tools. In order to realize the purpose of the research, a survey toolkit of three professional groups of specialists in the fields of forensic economic examination, internal audit, audit and scientists was developed. According to the results of the survey, it was established that the adaptation of fraud analysis methods and tools performed by forensic economic experts during pre-trial investigation and trial of criminal offenses is expedient in the work of auditors. The results of the survey proved the importance of strengthening training programs for auditors with issues of introducing fraud detection skills possessed by forensic economic experts. The practical consequences of the conducted research consist in increasing the awareness of auditors regarding the importance of acquiring basic skills of forensic economic examination, which will increase the probability of detecting fraud.
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