• Olena Shapoval National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine
Keywords: strategy of tax policy, tactics of tax policy, taxes, tax system, revenue to budgets, goal of tax policy, tasks of tax policy, goals of tax policy


This article examines the peculiarities of tax policy in the system of financial levers of state regulation of budgetary relations. The significant influence of the taxation procedure on the processes of social and economic development of both the state as a whole and each individual citizen is analyzed. The concepts of "tax policy", "tax policy strategy" and "tax policy tactics" are defined. The criteria of the modern foundations of the effective tax policy of the state are considered in detail. Generally accepted notions of the functioning of tax policy in the sphere of regulation of state budgetary relations are given. Qualitative assessments of the labor potential have been determined. The important role of an effective tax policy in the system of distribution and redistribution of part of the gross domestic product and in the process of formation of centralized funds of monetary resources of the country is justified. The main strategic tasks of the tax policy of our state are provided. Thanks to the tax policy, it is possible to solve the issues of balancing the interests of the state with the interests of taxpayers, the problem of the completeness of budget revenues, the social interests of the population, and many others. Therefore, it is the tax policy that is the lever of influence on the socio-economic mechanisms in the country, ensuring the filling of state monetary funds and creating conditions for the further sustainable development of all participants in the economic process. Tax policy, as an important element of the state's budgetary relations, can be viewed from different angles: as a set of state levers for regulating taxation procedures, i.e., the processes of regulating state revenues and expenditures, as well as as a financial lever for ensuring harmonious relations between the state and taxpayers, stabilizing the economic elevation of the country, taking into account the existing financial and political conditions. One of the main directions of state regulation of budgetary relations is the creation of an effective strategy and tactics of the country's tax policy. At the same time, the tax policy strategy is defined as a certain set of actions in the taxation process aimed at achieving the goals and performance of tax policy functions in the perspective of development.


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How to Cite
Shapoval, O. (2023). TAX POLICY IN THE SYSTEM OF FINANCIAL LEVERS OF STATE REGULATION OF BUDGET RELATIONS. Change Management and Innovation, (7), 64-67.
Accounting and taxation