The article discusses international technical assistance, grants in the form of non-monetary resources. It is noted that often opportunities for the development of entrepreneurship take the form of expert assistance and consulting services. A number of organizations and programs that provide support to Ukrainian business in the form of consultations and expertise were considered: Experienced experts from the Netherlands, Service of senior experts, Know-how exchange program, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The main prospects for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine, if they use the tools of international technical assistance, are outlined, namely: accelerated organizational development, increased competitiveness, access to foreign markets, etc. The conditions under which economic entities can apply for the support of experienced experts and consultants in the framework of international technical assistance have been considered. It has been demonstrated in which topics consulting services can be provided: strategy, marketing, quality system, information technology, organizational development, engineering solutions, operational efficiency, financial management, energy efficiency and environmental protection, ecological management. The reasons for the non-active use of non-monetary grants by business representatives are emphasized, namely: a critically low level of business awareness of the possibilities of MTD for its development, non-compliance with the eligibility criteria for applicants, mistrust of SME representatives in international technical assistance tools, lack of awareness among Ukrainian entrepreneurs that, that consulting support can be many times more effective for development. It is concluded that international technical assistance, which often takes the form of non-monetary grants, is effective for strengthening the competitiveness of Ukrainian business. Their effect is significant: accelerated organizational development, increased competitiveness, access to foreign markets, etc. However, the lack of proper informational and explanatory work and educational activities become an obstacle to the active use of these grant opportunities by entrepreneurs. Provided that the mentioned barriers are reduced, representatives of Ukrainian businesses have the opportunity to use all the benefits of international technical assistance along with foreign ones.
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