• Inna Tomashuk Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
  • Iryna Tomashuk National Scientific Center «Institute of Agrarian Economy»
Keywords: lending, agriculture, investment activity, financial institutions, risks, credit resources


The article analyzes the current state of crediting of agricultural enterprises by banking institutions, stimulation of their development by the state. It was established that among the most important components of the economic mechanism is the system of credit relations, which is of exceptional importance for agricultural production. It is emphasized that the limitation of own funds forces agricultural enterprises to hope for support from the state and makes it necessary to develop both bank and partnership forms of lending. It is indicated that credit for farmers - together with budget financing – is one of the most important external sources of investment activity of agricultural enterprises. It was noted that one of the most promising forms of financing agricultural programs and projects is investment lending by commercial banks. It is claimed that the main prerequisite for the dynamic development of bank lending in the agricultural sector is to ensure the return of the loan, subject to the observance of the rights of creditors and borrowers. It is noted that the objective necessity of using credit relations in the agrarian sector of the economy is related to the peculiarities of agricultural production, the unevenness of the movement of working capital of enterprises, significant deviations of the need for working capital from their actual availability. Proposals and recommendations regarding further effective financing of enterprises of the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine in modern business conditions are provided. It was concluded that an investment loan is a form of investment security for production and economic activity, which is carried out with the aim of implementing an extended cycle of reproduction and is aimed at increasing the capital of both the lender and the borrower. Credit resources, as a rule, are attracted to the agricultural sector to increase the production of agricultural products and ensure the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises. Investment lending to agricultural enterprises involves a number of features (as well as other types of lending in the field) due to the specifics of the industry, which necessitates a separate approach to lending, which consists in minimizing credit risk and stimulating the development of investment lending by the state.


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How to Cite
Tomashuk, I., & Tomashuk, I. (2023). LENDING OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES AS AN EFFICIENT SOURCE OF INVESTMENT ACTIVITY. Change Management and Innovation, (7), 74-84. https://doi.org/10.32782/2023-7-11
Finance, banking and insurance