• Olena Koval Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Keywords: marketing, management, marketing activity, entrepreneurial activity, principles of management, enterprise, market factors, competition


The work examines the peculiarities of the application of marketing in the agricultural sector of the economy of Ukraine, in particular, the main approaches to the management of marketing activities at agricultural enterprises are considered. Possible approaches and recommendations for the effective implementation of marketing at agricultural enterprises in Ukraine are also considered. The study reflects the relevance of the topic in terms of the development of the modern agricultural sector of Ukraine and its practical significance for enterprises engaged in agricultural activities. Management of marketing activities plays a significant role in the development and effective operation of an agricultural enterprise. It is effective work in the field of marketing activity management that will increase the competitiveness of an agricultural enterprise, expand its opportunities to enter new markets, and lead to an increase in product sales and profit growth. Due to inertia, many enterprises do not pay attention to the importance of such a component as marketing management, which in the future negatively affects their economic indicators. The peculiarities of the management of marketing activities at agricultural enterprises are that employees of the marketing service must be able to choose profitable markets, analyze the market situation, prepare recommendations and advertising messages about the release of a new type of product and forecast markets, develop a strategy, trade tactics, ensure the basic requirements for the assortment, determine price and sales policy of the farm and control its implementation. Equally important features of management of marketing activities in agricultural enterprises are: the ability to function effectively on the domestic and foreign markets; the ability of the products of this enterprise to compete on the market with similar products; obtaining competitive advantages by the enterprise on the basis of products of appropriate quality. Adaptation of marketing activity and the entire management system of agrarian enterprises to changing external and internal economic conditions can be done with the help of such ways as increasing the aggressiveness of marketing activity, increasing the reliability of market forecasts; search for information on new consumer needs and appropriate modification of marketing strategies and others.


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How to Cite
Koval, O. (2023). FEATURES OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT OF UKRAINIAN AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Change Management and Innovation, (7), 85-91. https://doi.org/10.32782/CMI/2023-7-12