Today, the regulation of the fuel and energy complex has a rather strict, systemic and all-encompassing nature and "penetrates" all the value chains formed in PEK, regardless of the forms of ownership of energy companies. The level of their national security directly depends on the state of the fuel and energy complexes of states, which decisively determines the leading vector megatrends of the economic, political, social, scientific, technological and financial development of countries in global coordinates. The article is devoted to the characteristics of strategic priorities for ensuring global energy security, namely the introduction of an internationally recognized transparent system of environmental assessment and certification of goods and services on the world market. This will make it possible to effectively reduce the impact of such a negative factor as the export of pollution, that is, the cross-border transfer of dirty and environmentally dangerous types of production to developing countries, which, as is known, have much lower environmental standards than the leading countries. At the same time, on a global level, extensive mass media and advertising campaigns should be launched on a permanent basis to inform global consumers about the conditions for mining rare minerals (lithium, nickel and cobalt) necessary for the production of batteries, as well as mechanisms for the disposal of high-tech components of electric cars and other electrical goods of the consumer group. In recent decades, the establishment of energy diplomacy as an independent direction of diplomatic activity of states involves their implementation of appropriate foreign policy and foreign economic actions with the active use of both universal organizational forms and the diversified toolkit for realizing the national economic interests of countries, inherent exclusively to the energy sector. Its key features stem from the very specificity of the objects of international legal regulation of the global energy market, requiring the isolation of a qualitatively new structural segment in the system of international law - international energy law. Its material core should be the legal tools for ensuring global energy security, related to the development of its architecture and the regulation of interaction between the world's main centers of management decision-making in the energy sphere.
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