• W. Romanjuk ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” National University
  • M. Gudz ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” National University
Keywords: management, administration evaluation, non-profit organization, evaluation methods


The essence of non-profit organizations and methods of assessing their competitiveness were studied on the basis of comparative analysis of foreign and national researchers and practitioners. The aim of the work is to substantiate the choice of the method of assessing the competitiveness of a non-profit organization. The types of non-profit entities were classified, the interpretation of competitiveness in the social sphere, where the non-profit sector is represented systematically and on a large scale. The essence and main advantages of different methods of assessing the competitiveness of non-profit organizations were determined. Extrapolation of scientific methods of business administration allows us to present methods for studying the competitiveness of non-profit organizations on two criteria: internal and external competitiveness. It is concluded that a specific assessment of the competitiveness of a non-profit organization can be obtained through expert assessments of certain aspects of activities, and a generalized assessment can be obtained using the method of assessing key group indicators and сcompetitiveness criteria of a nonprofit organization. It is established that the assessment of competitiveness allows to make effective management decisions in time, to form the organizational and economic mechanism of ensuring the competitiveness of the organization, which includes: analysis of the macro- and microenvironment of the enterprise; research of elements of enterprise competitiveness; comprehensive assessment of the competitiveness of the enterprise; substantiation of competitive strategies of the enterprise; choice of means and methods of strategy implementation; planning activities aimed at ensuring the desired level of competitiveness of the enterprise; organization and control of the implementation of the planned measures to ensure competitiveness; evaluation of the results of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Romanjuk, W., & Gudz, M. (2021). THE CHOICE OF METHODS FOR ASSESSING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION. Change Management and Innovation, (1), 61-66. Retrieved from