The article discusses the strategic priorities for the development of the agri-food sector aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the region's food self-sufficiency. It analyzes the main challenges affecting food security, such as climate change, market instability, and access to resources. The authors propose approaches to improve the efficiency of land and water resources, implement agricultural innovations, develop logistical infrastructure, and support small and medium-sized enterprises in the agricultural sector. Emphasis is placed on the importance of regional coordination, state support, and the formation of sustainable food chains. The article aims to formulate recommendations for increasing the level of food self-sufficiency in the context of sustainable regional development. The study analyzes the globalization processes of recent decades, their impact on food security and the resilience of national food markets, as well as their impact on socio-economic development. Data from the International Commission indicate a shift from traditional agricultural methods to corporate management systems, leading to numerous negative consequences for public health and the preservation of cultural traditions. The importance of developing and implementing state policy aimed at ensuring stability and independence in the food sector is considered. The need for further research to adapt to global challenges and develop new approaches to ensuring food security is emphasized. The article highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach, strategic planning, and the participation of stakeholders in achieving food security, with a particular focus on the quality and safety of food. The necessity of reforms in state regulation, aimed at more effective pricing and market regulation to ensure stable development, is underscored. The importance of balancing direct and indirect state regulation to optimize economic efficiency and ensure the stability of the national food market is emphasized.
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