Keywords: management decisions, competitive advantages, quality of services, hotel business, strategic planning


The article is devoted to the study of the role of effective management decisions as a trigger for improving the quality of services in the hotel business. The growth of competition in the tourism market, changing customer preferences and the influence of digital technologies create new challenges for the hospitality industry. In this context, improving the quality of services becomes a decisive factor for achieving customer satisfaction, forming their loyalty and ensuring sustainable competitive advantages. However, a significant part of management decisions in the hotel business is focused on responding quickly to short-term tasks, which limits the possibilities for systematically improving the quality of service. The author analyzes existing approaches to making management decisions in the hotel sector, highlights the shortcomings associated with the lack of strategic planning, and justifies the need to integrate the latest technologies, develop personnel and increase adaptability to market changes. The article proposes a strategic model of making management decisions that allows for a comprehensive approach to improving the quality of services. The scientific significance of the model lies in its ability to take into account key aspects of modern hotel business, in particular: customer orientation, technological innovations, increasing the level of professional competence of personnel and long-term development strategy. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between management decisions and key indicators of service quality, such as customer satisfaction, speed and accuracy of order fulfillment, personalization of services and the overall impression of staying at the hotel. The article examines the key positive dynamic changes expected from the implementation of the proposed model in Ukrainian realities. Among the main changes are improving the quality of service through standardization of processes, implementation of feedback mechanisms and integration of digital solutions; optimization of management processes through automation, big data analytics and rational use of resources; development of human capital, including training and motivation of personnel, which contributes to the creation of professional teams and increased customer satisfaction; increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian hotels through adaptation to international standards, the formation of unique offers and the implementation of best practices; stimulation of tourist flow, which provides a multiplier effect for the development of related industries, such as transport, restaurant business, cultural and entertainment services. In the scientific aspect, the work makes a significant contribution to the development of the theory of quality management in the hospitality sector, offering a systematic approach to decision-making focused on long-term business sustainability. The practical significance lies in the creation of a universal model that can be adapted to various conditions of the hotel business in Ukraine. It takes into account the influence of modern technologies, customer requests and strategic challenges faced by the industry. The article can be useful for scientists, practitioners and managers working in the hospitality sector, as well as for everyone who is interested in improving the quality of services in a competitive environment. The application of the proposed approaches will contribute not only to the improvement of service processes, but also to the formation of a positive image of Ukraine as a hospitable tourist destination.


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