• Т.V. But ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” National University
  • О.A. Kulchitska ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” National University
Keywords: strategy, strategic management, management decisions, service enterprise


The article examines modern approaches to developing a strategy for the development of enterprises in the service sector. The urgency of the topic is due to the slow growth of economic activity of food enterprises, low efficiency of material and labor resources, slow implementation of scientific and technological progress. It is justified for service enterprises to develop a longterm strategy of behavior that will allow them to keep up with the changes taking place around. The need to implement such management that will ensure the adaptation of the enterprise to rapidly changing business conditions. A number of reasons have been identified that have led to a sharp increase in the importance of strategic management: accelerating changes in the environment, the emergence of new demands and consumer attitudes, increasing competition for resources, internationalization of business, the emergence of new unexpected business opportunities caused by science and technology. networks that enable ultra-fast dissemination and retrieval of information, wide availability of modern technologies, changing the role of human resources. The advantages of strategic management and disadvantages of its use are determined. It is established that the basis of strategic management is the adoption of management decisions focused on taking into account the external environment to achieve the competitiveness of the enterprise in the service sector. It is substantiated that most service enterprises adhere to a certain strategic orientation for 15–20 years. Images of actions of formulation of strategies are investigated: entrepreneurial, training by means of experience and planned. It is established that strategic planning improves the competitive position of the enterprise and provides long-term profit. The purpose of strategic management, which is the basis for ensuring its competitiveness in the long run: to define the mission, goals and strategies, development and implementation of a system of plans as tools for implementing strategic guidelines for improving the enterprise and its individual subsystems.


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How to Cite
ButТ., & KulchitskaО. (2021). MODERN APPROACHES TO DEVELOPING A DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR A SERVICE ENTERPRISE. Change Management and Innovation, (1), 13-17. Retrieved from