• Viktoriia Voronina Poltava State Agrarian University
Keywords: innovations, innovative activity, innovative development, personnel, enterprise, labor potential


The article substantiates the relevance of the enterprise labor potential study as a driving force for the innovative development of the enterprise. The methodological basis of the research was the system and process approaches to the study of the problem of formation and management of labor potential and its influence on the results of innovative activity of the enterprise. Labor potential is considered by the author as the existing and projected labor capabilities of a country, region, enterprise, or employee; a set of demographic, social, spiritual, intellectual, and other characteristics of the working population or an individual employee, which can be embodied in the process of work. It is proved that the labor potential affects the innovative development of the enterprise, providing conditions for creating opportunities for the progress of innovations in various spheres of its activity and their further implementation; accelerating the transformation of novation into innovation, etc. Taking into account the influence of labor potential on the results of innovative development of economic entities, the latter is presented as a process of generation and further implementation of innovations at the enterprise, aimed at ensuring the most rational use of its labor potential through the optimal combination of such components as intellectual, educational, economic, professional and qualifying. The model of multiple regression of the average annual labor productivity of one employee of the enterprise is built, which makes it possible to pass more effectively each stage of the development of managerial decisions in the field of work with personnel. The assessment of the influence of indicators of the labor potential state on the results of innovative activity of the enterprise confirms the dependence of the average annual output per employee on the quality indicators of the labor potential state. An algorithm for optimizing the process of making managerial decisions to improve labor potential is proposed. The model of multiple regression of average annual labor productivity is adapted to the existing economic conditions, through which it is possible to optimize the procedure for making managerial decisions in the field of work with the personnel of an innovative enterprise. It is noted that all of the above will contribute to the achievement of the goal and implementation of the strategic objectives of the enterprise.


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